I forgot to mention on my last post that also with my Mark palette, I received Avon's new Face Primer, called magiX Face Perfector (not available to the public just yet). I tried out an itty bitty little sample (seriously, like a dollop) packet, and while it did okay, I don't think I got the "full experience". I plan on taking it on a test drive this weekend, watch this space for a review! Will it give competition to my current primer?
Let's see...Oh! I got a call from my local Benefit counter today! How nice of them. They want me to spend money. Looks like they got new stuff in (they didn't say what), so I hope they have the new lipsticks and creme eye shadows! They also told me that they finally got in one of the loose powder eye shadows...um, that was a long time ago that I put my name down for that. And they just got it in?! Crazy. I might pass, though. If I'm correct, then I think one of the eye shadows from The She Space is a really really close dupe. A more in-depth investigation to take place this weekend ;)
Have I mentioned that tea tree oil is amazing? I think I did, briefly. Last week I had a potential disastrous situation, my forehead was starting to sprout little Mount Rushmore’s. All this week I’ve been using tea tree oil (at night before I go to bed) and…well, I’m a believer. All of the mini mountains are almost completely level, and most are starting to dry up. I can’t believe it! I’ve even gotten used to the smell (I wasn’t crazy about it the first night). I figure if I keep doing this my skin will be picture ready for the wedding!
Okay. So I know I've been ragging on the new Lancome "rabbit" mascara (tee hee), but I think this video over at Bit By The Beauty Bug might sway me enough to try it out. I'm such a sucker.I'm just catching up with some beauty "news", but apparently the klassy Kim Kardashian posted some makeup videos, sort of like tutorials, with her makeup artist. It's interesting to see what products and brushes she uses (MAC. Lot's of MAC. Not surprised) and the different techniques he uses (for example, he uses a cd as a blending palette for creme blush....whowouldathunk!). Even though she's not on my list of people to receive a Nobel Prize anytime soon, I do give her props for appearing on-camera with no makeup on at all (then again she was on camera with nothing on at all. BADUM-CHING). Is that a zit (or two) I see?
Enjoy the rest of your Thursday (those who still are) and have an amazing Friday!!
1 comment:
wow, i really wished i lived in fresno so i could go makeup shopping all day. i have to drive 45 minutes to go to a mac counter! suuuucks big time.
what tea tree oil do you use? i've been trying to find a "zit zapper" for the longest time and now i'm thinking that i should resort to something more natural? i'm really glad that your "mt. rushmore" went away fast. mine usually stays visible for about 4 more days. suuuucks big time x2.
and i love kim's videos. her makeup artists seems a little weird, no? but regardless, hes' pretty amazing.
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