Happy Birthday to....me!
When I started this post this morning, I was going to apologize for yet another makeup-less entry. But, that changed when I checked my email when I got to work!!! The lovely, fanTABulous, wonderful blog Beauty Snob is having a really awesome pop-quiz giveaway contest and I WON!!!!! My name was picked for the quiz on May 5th and I WON two Prescriptives palettes (apparently limited edition)!!!!!!! I had this yucky feeling yesterday that today wouldn't be a thrilling birthday...wow, did I jinx myself or what? I was awakened by some texts from my beautiful friends, my mom made me lemon bars, I got to work and they put out a spread of donuts, fruit, cheese and other goodies (and a cake AND ice cream for later!), the ladies in my office are taking me out for lunch (Chinese!) and I just can't believe I doubted that today would be less than awesome. I admit I kind of don't want to do diddly squat today, but that's okay ;)
So, because it's my birthday, here are pretty and yummy pictures of cupcakes :D
Fenty Gloss Bomb Stix High-Shimmer Gloss Sticks
11 hours ago
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