Oh, hi there! Once again real life has consumed me since my last entry, hence why I've been a tad sparse around the blog-o-sphere. I was commissioned to bake a cake for a Bridal shower and on top of that I had my first paper for my class (Shakespeare...ooh!). And, of course, in true fashion I crammed in the writing over the weekend (what can I say, I work better during the last minute). And to top things off, at the moment my throat has turned against me and I'm on the verge of losing my voice (this morning I had quite the sexy "man" voice, juuuust kidding).
I'm sure I've done a "post-Tuesday" Taupe Tuesday before, so I know you all won't be too surprised, right?
Today's belated Taupe Tuesday features another brand I've never mentioned (but, this is my ONLY item from this brand), Cargo. First, I want to mention that I'm sad to say that I think this may not even be made anymore :( I was cruising Cargo's page on Sephora and their single eye shadows are no where to be found. Is Cargo changing their look? Maybe. Cargo also has another brand called Plant Love, which features 100% post-consumer waste packaging (yay for going green!). Oy, I think I'm getting off track here...
Back to the taupe, Yukon is (or, was) a delightfully smooth taupe which is almost brown and purple...ish. It's a moody color. Depending on the light/angle/amount applied, even the kind of base you use- can alter it's apperance.
The following is the SAME swatch with slightly different angles. The top shows off the more purple tones while the bottom shows off a more brown tone. Or. Maybe this NyQuil is playing tricks with my eyes:

Should you try to track this down? Maybe. Looking at it reminds me of another taupe (surprise surprise)- but I can't think of right now (Do you think it looks like another taupe?). I'm sure the price was under $20 (it may have been around $18) and has quite a bit of product in it. And, it comes in an adorable & sturdy metal tin (one of the things I've always liked about the past Cargo products, even though I never dove further into the brand)!! It's quite sad that these aren't around- but I still think it may be worth the search for one.
It's pretty for a taupe ;)
Supposedly there's a NYX dupe but I find Cargo's formula to be FAR superior. I'm pretty sure they were either $16 or $18??
true story: a cargo e/s was my first sephora purchase *ever*.
Maybe Root Beer is the dupe? Hmmm...I'll have to investigate.
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